June 19, 2016
Becoming a Spiritual Father
God has revealed Himself as Father. Human fathers are to reflect God's protection, provision and spiritual care toward their children.
- John exhorts us to Christian maturity so we may influence others to grow and develop to spiritual adulthood.
- Our culture is hungry for father figures. Faithful fathers and spiritual fathers are urgently needed in the church today.
- John addresses his readers as “little children,” assuring them that their sins are forgiven by the efficacy of Christ’s blood.
- Fathers in particular need to teach godliness to their children, that the next generation may hold fast to the faith.
- Fathers speak powerfully to the nature of God Himself simply by their presence and faithfulness.
- God has revealed Himself as Father. By their example human fathers teach either positively or negatively about God as Father.
- John says we can know that we have fellowship with God, that our sins are forgiven, and that we belong to Christ.
- Youth is a time when we are strong, vigorous, and bold; it is also a time when we face strong temptations from the Devil who wishes to ruin us.
- The only way to be strong and to overcome temptation is to have the Word of God reside in us (1 Jn. 2:14).
- The church is strong when the young people are ready to deploy their vigour of youth for the kingdom of God.
- The key to victory over the evil one and fruitfulness in the Christian life is to abide in God’s Word.
- Fathers provide, protect, and teach their children. We’re to reflect the fatherly heart of God to our children.
- Our children are shaped by who we are and what we are like.
- As we progress in the faith over the years, we are equipped to help others mature in their faith.
- To abide in Christ is to walk in the light and to obey His commandments.
- John warns us not to love the godless system of this world; godless rebellion, sin and Satan are passing away.
- This does not preclude godly love for the good creation, and participation in God’s redemptive purposes for the world (cf. John 3:16).
- We are warned against temptations to sin in the areas of lust and pride. Lust is sinful desire for created things; pride is foolish and misplaced glory in one’s self.
- The sinful system of this world is a corpse, soon to be buried.
- The person who does the will of Christ abides forever.
Application Questions:
- What is the importance of fatherhood in the church and in society at large?
- Identify characteristics of God’s fatherhood which human fathers should model for their children.
- How can we overcome temptation and Satan according to this passage?
- What does it mean to abide in God’s Word?
- In what sense are we not to love the world?
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