October 4, 2023

Censorship and the War of the Gods

The Canadian government’s passage of legislation such as Bills C-11, C-18, and C-36 is beginning to bear fruit, in the form of increasingly invasive censorship policies levied on content platforms. All civilizations practice censorship, making decisions for the type of material that is suitable for public viewing; the difference is in the standard of judging and how it is applied. We should not be afraid of truth, even when it offends our own sensibilities. Rather, the testing of our opinions and assumptions against competing claims is a primary means for us to grow in knowledge and understanding.

UK and European friends, join us and Christian Concern for the Mission of God UK conference, on November 4 in Daventry.

North Americans, please join us in either Windsor or Calgary for the Mission of God Canada, on December 2 and 9.

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