October 9, 2011
Character of the Christian Citizen (Part 1)
Our privileged position as citizens of the kingdom also comes with responsibilities.
Scripture: Philippians 1:27-2:11
Sermon Notes:
- Our privileged position as citizens of the kingdom also comes with responsibilities.
- Like Paul we must stand fast, holding our ground contending for the faith of the gospel.
- Each one must be like Christ, esteeming others better than self.
- Pride leads to selfishness and conflict; Christ calls us to a humility that puts God and others first.
- Jesus was in His very nature God, yet He was willing to lay aside His position, surrendering to death.
- Christ's physical circumstances were humble, He ministered in obscurity amidst persecution, and He submitted to an unjust death.
- Our human nature grasps selfishly at whatever we possess, but Christ calls us to look out for the interests of others.
- Those in authority are to lead by example, serving as Christ did.
- Christ has been highly exalted, and He was given full dominion.
- Throughout the centuries, the fame and authority of Christ grows.
- Jesus is called Lord (kurios) by New Testament writers, identifying Him with the YAHWEH (kurios) of the Greek Old Testament.
- Since Jesus is Lord, nobody can command our obedience contrary to Christ.
- Christ has an everlasting dominion as ruler of the kings of the earth (Revelation 1:5).
- Since we have been made a kingdom of priests we are to live in humble service to the Lord (Revelation 1:6).
Application Questions
- Is my life a testimony of the power of the gospel?
- What are our practical responsibilities as citizens of the kingdom?
- Are we striving together in unity as a church body?
- How does this passage enhance our understanding of the trinity in general, and the full deity of Christ specifically?
- What was Jesus' attitude toward His prerogatives as God?
- Identify the diverse aspects of Jesus' humiliation.
- Are we like Christ, willing to give up roles, position, etc., to submit to God's will? Are we willing to be of no reputation, to empty ourselves in service to God?
- If Jesus was willing to wash feet, to what extent should we be willing to serve one another?
- Describe Christ's position and exaltation from these passages: Psalm 148; Isaiah 45:23; Romans 14:9-11; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:36; Revelation 5:13.
- What are the implications of Christ's Lordship for the mission and calling of the church?
- What should servant-leadership look like for the Christian?
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