December 20, 2015
Christ, the Gift of All Gifts
In a time of restlessness and anxiety in the world, the gift of God has come to us in the Lord Jesus, bringing peace and joy.
Scripture: Psalm 8
Sermon Notes:
- The centre of our joy at Christmas time is the gift of God (cf. Luke 2:10-11).
- God Himself is the source of our joy. The gift of God is not merely eternal life, but God Himself (cf. Rom. 6:23).
- As Augustine observed, “Our hearts are restless until we find our rest in God.”
- In a time of restlessness and anxiety in the world, the gift of God has come to us in the Lord Jesus, bringing peace and great joy (Matt. 11:28-30).
- In Christ, the everlasting reign of God entered the world (Luke 1:32-33).
- God came into the world as a man because human beings are the one creature made in the image of God.
- Mankind needs a savior because we’ve substituted the worship of created things for worship of the one true God.
- In Psalm 8 we find a theme of praise which stretches from creation, to the incarnation, to the death and resurrection of Jesus and beyond.
- In giving praise to God we find a glorious purpose for our fallen condition (Psalm 8:2).
- We’re made a little less than the angels, that we might be clothed with majesty and restored in glory as kings and queens.
- God opens the mouths of children to dance and sing His praises (cf Matt 21:16).
- God delights to use the weak the shame the wise (1 Cor. 1:27).
- When Jesus came into history, His claim of kingship was disturbing to the political rulers of His time.
- The glory of God had long since left the physical temple in Jerusalem, but the angels announced to the outcast shepherds that the glory of God had returned, this time to the stable in the person of a baby.
- Jesus is the living temple who overthrew the established order of the day.
- Jesus subverted all power and authority from His birth onward. He is the King of kings, ruling over Herod, Augustus Caesar, the Magi, and all monarchs.
- Christ Himself is the gift. He is the light that leads to life (John 8:12).
- Human beings are a little lower than the angels, temporarily. One day the sons and daughters of Adam will be crowned with glory and honour.
- From His birth to His death Jesus suffered. He was made lower than the angels that He might raise us up (Heb. 2:14-18).
- Despite appearances, the kingdoms of this world belong to Christ (Rev. 1:15). We’re invited to share in the glory and victory of Jesus’ reign (Rom. 16:20).
- We are “angel” messengers who bring the good news to the world around us.
Application Questions:
- What is the gift of God? Who receives it?
- What is the answer to all the uncertainty and anxiety in the world?
- How can the birth of a child be the hope of all the earth?
- How does Christ establish praise, and silence the enemy and the avenger (cf. Psalm 8:2)?
- What does it mean to share in the new humanity of Jesus?
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