January 18, 2025
Deanna McLeod: PART 1 – SHOCKING Long-Term Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Treatment
WATCH THE FULL EPISODE HERE: https://rumble.com/v6aoofm-deanna-mcleod-shocking-long-term-impact-of-covid-19-on-cancer-treatment.html;
In this conversation, Dr. Michael Thiessen interviews oncology researcher Deanna McLeod about her recent study on the significant increase in female cancer billings since the COVID-19 pandemic. They discuss the methodology of the research, the implications of the findings, and the importance of timely cancer diagnoses. Deanna highlights the challenges posed by the pandemic on cancer detection and treatment and the need for further investigation into the factors contributing to the rise in cancer cases, particularly among women. This conversation delves into the significant impact of public health measures, particularly lockdowns, on cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion highlights trends in female cancer diagnoses, the consequences of delayed screenings and treatments, and the role of public health officials in shaping these outcomes. The speakers emphasize the long-term effects of these measures on cancer patients and the healthcare system as a whole, raising concerns about the adequacy of virtual care compared to in-person visits.
Episode Resource: Canadian COVID Care Alliance: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/;
DID YOU MISS AN EPISODE ft. DEANNA!?! – Be sure to watch Mike’s previous discussions with her:
Deanna McLeod: Pt 1. Omicron Boosters – Untested, Unsafe and Ineffective: https://rumble.com/v1tpjsw-deanna-mcleod-why-we-must-stop-the-shots-pt.-1-ineffective-untested-and-uns.html;
Deanna McLeod Pt. 2: Myocarditis and the Vaccines: https://rumble.com/v1votgi-deanna-mcleod-why-we-must-stop-the-shots-pt.-2-myocarditis-and-other-seriou.html;
Deanna McLeod Pt. 3: Big Pharma and Vaccine Conflict of Interest: https://rumble.com/v246yo4-deanna-mcleod-pt.-3-vaccine-conflicts-of-interest.html;
Deanna McLeod Pt. 4: “AGILE Regulations” – Circumventing Regulatory Barriers for Profit: https://rumble.com/v2nbl3e-deanna-mcleod-pt.-4-agile-regulations-circumventing-regulatory-barriers-for.html;
Deanna McLeod Pt. 5: ”AGILE Regulations” – Why We MUST Demand PROVEN SAFETY OVER PROFIT: https://rumble.com/v2prkno-deanna-mcleod-pt.-5-agile-regulations-why-we-must-demand-proven-safety-over.html;
Deanna McLeod Pt. 6: ”Protecting Pregnancy and Breastfeeding” – Parts 1 – 3:
WATCH 6.1 HERE: https://rumble.com/v3p6rpd-deanna-mcleod-pt.-6-protecting-pregnancy-and-breastfeeding-in-a-vaccine-cra.html;
WATCH 6.2 HERE: https://rumble.com/v3sajaz-deanna-mcleod-pt.-6.2-protecting-pregnancy-and-breastfeeding…-continued.html;
WATCH 6.3 HERE: https://rumble.com/v3xhlqy-deanna-mcleod-pt.-6.3-protecting-pregnancy-and-breastfeeding…continued….HTML.
The WAIT is OVER!!! Pre-order your copy of the NEW updated and expanded version of Dr. Boot’sMission of Godwith a brand-new study guide! Get it here:https://ezrapress.ca/products/mission-of-god-10th-anniversary-edition;
Christ is King World Missions Conference – “Gospel Culture” | January 19-22, 2025 | San Antonio, TX: https://christisking.church/lyw;
The Mission of God Conferences:
U.S. – Denver | Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025 @ 8:00 – 16:00 MST@ Faith Church | Arvada, Colorado: https://www.ezrainstitute.com/mission-of-god-denver/;
Faith & Medicine Conference | January 19-22, 2025 | Atlanta, GA: https://faithandmedicine.org/;
REFORMCON ’25 | “Out of the Ashes” | April 24-26, 2025 @ Tucson, AZ: https://reformcon.org/
Think Christianly about politics with the help of Dr. Boot’s latest book “Ruler of Kings:”https://ezrapress.ca/products/ruler-of-kings-toward-a-christian-vision-of-government;
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