December 21, 2014
Fear Not, I Am the First and the Last
Jesus inaugurated a new kingdom which would convulse all of history. We are empowered with strength for tomorrow, knowing that the government is upon His shoulders.
Scripture: Revelation 1
Sermon Notes:
- We live in a time when men’s hearts are failing them for fear of economic collapse, Islamic terror, a new cold war, deadly diseases, climate apocalypse, aging, and death.
- In a world of fear, Jesus declares, Fear Not, I am the Living One… the Alpha and Omega (Rev. 1:8, 17).
- The identity of Jesus is that of being “the ruler of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5).
- Christ is judge and emperor over the whole universe (Rev. 2:26-27; 3:21).
- There’s a connection between the kingdom of God and the tribulation of God’s people. The sovereign Lord enters history as a king who demands universal loyalty. Families and nations are divided by their response to His reign.
- Kingly authority is represented by a sword. A sword comes out of the mouth of King Jesus (Rev. 1:16).
- Although the message of the gospel is “peace on earth, good will to men” (Luke 2:14), it does not immediately bring social peace among men (Matt 10:34).
- God’s Word is the Sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:17) which when it goes forth always accomplishes God’s purposes (Heb 4:12; Isaiah 55:11).
- John was considered a danger to society on account of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
- John was on Patmos because of the direct challenge the proclamation of Jesus means for earthly political powers.
- The sword which brings tribulation also brings victory in Jesus.
- Both church and state are under the jurisdiction of Christ.
- History has been shaken ever since by the uneasy relationship between church and state.
- The church is responsible to declare that Jesus is King.
- Jesus inaugurated a new kingdom which would convulse all of history. He scatters the proud and raises up the lowly (cf. Luke 1:46-55).
- Everything that can be shaken, is shaken by the power of the resurrection.
- Don’t expect to be warmly received and celebrated for declaring Christ’s universal reign. God’s Word still divides men, families and nations.
- There’s nothing more final than death and hell; but Christ has conquered both.
- Jesus’ earthly ministry involved restoring creation by His resurrection life. The power of evil is broken so righteousness can take its place.
- We’re empowered with strength for tomorrow, knowing that the government is upon His shoulders (Is. 9:6-7).
Application Questions:
- What is the extent and jurisdiction of Jesus’ reign?
- How does Revelation portray Jesus’ relationship to political authorities?
- Why does Christ’s reign divide families and bring conflict?
- What is the impact of Christ’s reign according to Mary’s exaltant song in Luke 1:46-55?
- What is the sword that comes from Jesus’ mouth in Rev. 1:16, and what is its function?
- Why was John on Patmos? Why did Herod try to Kill Jesus? What should we expect as servants of Jesus?
- In all the shakings of history, are we going to put our trust in the King of kings or the ideas of men?
- How does assurance of the universal reign of Christ affect the courage and optimism within the church?
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