November 25, 2012

Head Over All Things

The Church is a kingly priesthood and we are to represent Christ wherever we are, in whatever endeavours.

Scripture: Ephesians 1:1-23

Sermon Notes:

  1. The Church needs the power of the gospel, the potency of the Holy Spirit, and the headship of Christ to regain its relevance and calling to the world.
  2. You cannot fight something with nothing. The church must minister to the needs around us by applying Christ’s Word.
  3. The reign of Christ is a cause for praise, exaltation and prayer (Ephesians 1:1).
  4. Our faith and life is centered in the Son whose blessings have been made known to us by the Holy Spirit, and have their origin in the eternal purposes of God (Eph. 1:4-5).
  5. We are secure in Christ because it is God’s own purpose which stands behind our adoption as sons.
  6. Salvation history is being unfolded, not in secret revelations, but publically in the universal reign of Christ.
  7. The inheritance of Christ is not merely “heaven” or the hearts of His people; it is the whole cosmos.
  8. In Christ’s power, might and strength are ours (Ps. 110).
  9. Christ is raised far above all rulers in terms of His reign, authority, and power; the jurisdiction of Christ is universal, ruling every atom in the universe.
  10. We as the called-out people of God have hope in this life because we are children of God in possession of eternal life purchased for us by Christ.
  11. We need hope right now, in the pew, in the home, in the workplace, in the home, in our marriage.
  12. Grace was given to Paul to preach the unfathomable riches in Christ, so that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the Church.
  13. Christ is working in history to reclaim everything (Col. 1:15-18).
  14. God made us and gives us life moment by moment; all things hold together in Christ.
  15. God owns us by virtue of creation, redemption, and His foreordination of the good works that we are to do.
  16. We are nothing in ourselves; but in Christ we are redeemed and empowered as His ambassadors.
  17. The history of the church involves the people of God taking Ephesians 1 seriously; the Church instructed kings, and taught them to rule according to the Bible.
  18. The Church is a kingly priesthood and we are to represent Christ wherever we are, in whatever endeavours.
  19. The Church is God’s armory, and the biblical vision is that we are to be equipped to do ministry and mercy out there in the world, fulfilling the apostolic callings of teaching, instruction, apologetics, and evangelism.

Application Questions:

  1. What is the position and jurisdiction of Christ according to Ephesians 1?
  2. If we actually believed what Ephesians 1 says about Christ, how would it change us?
  3. What are the consequences of forgetting the Ten Commandments?
  4. Why do we lack boldness and confidence in declaring the gospel? Have we forgotten Christ’s absolute reign?
  5. What is the basis of our hope in our daily work/ challenges? What do we hope for?
  6. How should we act as Christ’s ambassadors given His ownership and rule over all men and creatures?
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