April 14, 2013
Hope and Promise
The faithlessness of the church has brought about a curse upon our nation. But the situation can and will change because God Himself will accomplish His own work.
Scripture: Hebrews 6:9-20; Genesis 22:1-18
Sermon Notes:
- Our age is wholly secular: we cannot believe there’s another world; our churches are pragmatic; our focus is on our own salvation, ignoring God’s purposes in history.
- Last week we were urged to become mature in discerning truth and righteousness.
- The mature response of the people of God is to receive the Word (Isaiah 55:10-11) and Spirit of God (Isaiah 44:3-4) like rain bringing a fruitful crop.
- Christ and His Word is what we feed on, and we are then to apply it to all areas of life.
- The faithlessness of the church has brought about a curse upon our nation. But the situation can and will change because God Himself will accomplish His own work.
- Hatred of God is to love death (Proverbs 8:36).
- God’s purpose in prodding us forward is to bring hope. We gain a confidence knowing God works through us.
- Character is developed incrementally. “Watch your thoughts for they become words; words become actions; actions become habits; habits become character; and character becomes destiny.”
- Because God is just, He is faithful to reward the work that He is doing in and through us (Hebrews 6:10).
- Our salvation is based only on the free mercy of God. Good works are evidence that we have been saved.
- The Holy Spirit is working in us. We gain our identity as the Holy Spirit unites us to Christ, the true Man.
- God is doing the work within us. God is behind us, in us, with us, all around us.
- We need to keep on growing. The only sure sign of past conversion is present convertedness.
- God promised that Abraham’s offspring would be named through Isaac (Gen. 21:12b). So Abraham knew God would fulfill the promise even if it meant raising Isaac from the dead (Hebrews 11:19).
- God always keeps His promises. He swears based on His own Word and person, which are true and infallible.
- Those living by faith did not receive the completion of the promise. We are included in the promise given to Abraham (Hebrews 11:39-40).
- God has us in His everlasting arms. God through His fatherly grace in Christ has given Himself for us. Therefore we have hope.
- We have hope in the sure confidence of God raising His own Son from the dead.
- Christ is the one true sacrifice. We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul.
Application Questions:
- How has the church been affected by the secular thinking of our age?
- What is the basis of our hope for restoration and revival? (Cf. Colossians 1:26-28)
- What is the evidence of the Holy Spirit in our lives?
- How is our character and destiny developed?
- How is our ardour for the faith? How is our giving?
- How do we receive our identity as true humans?
- Have we stagnated in our faith, or is there evidence that God is still working within and converting us?
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