October 27, 2013

Loving One Another

Without a common faith in a common Lord, the modern state is unable to create a truly united community.

Scripture:  Hebrews 13:1-7

Sermon Notes:

  1. In light of all that has gone before we are reminded in Hebrews 13 of some basic responsibilities of believers.
  2. We are to practice brotherly love and hospitality toward strangers.  This love is a product of our love for God.
  3. For pastors and teachers, loving the body of Christ requires diligent study to accurately apply God’s word.
  4. We are to take every opportunity to love others, for the glory of God and the good of His people.
  5. God’s purpose is to create community of believers serving one another and governed by God’s word.
  6. Submission to God leads to mutual love and service.
  7. Sentimentalism replaces biblical love with emotion, romanticism, feeling, and niceness.
  8. Without a common faith in a common Lord, the modern state is unable to create a truly united community.
  9. Godless man is susceptible to pseudo-community, characterized by envy, exploitation, and sin.
  10. Disputes about religion too often produce a decay of Christian affection; this must be guarded against. 
  11. As we grow in love for God, we grow in brotherly love.
  12. We are to excel in hospitality, serving and receiving both brothers and strangers in Christ’s name.
  13. The ordinary Christian life involves hospitality (Titus 1:7-8).
  14. The ministries of Westminster exist to exercise hospitality and to fulfill the church’s ministry of compassion.
  15. We are to identify with those who are facing adversity.
  16. After all the glorious theology of Hebrews, the application for the mission and vision of the church is to show kindness and compassion to others.
  17. We are to build community, preparing to share burdens as members of the body face adversity.
  18. State “compassion” is a socially approved impersonal political virtue.
  19. Christian compassion is based on incorporating people into the community of Christ and serving them in love.
  20. Godly marriage, marital sex, and the family itself must be honoured as God-ordained institutions.
  21. Paganism rejects marriage, idealizing asceticism.
  22. The Christian life is marked by contentment knowing that the future rests in the hands of our generous God.
  23. God is with us in life and in death and forever.
  24. Pastoral and teaching ministry are a fearful privilege.
  25. We are to imitate the faith of those who are in leadership, and those who have died for the faith.
  26. We must each do our best within our areas of responsibility and service, love one another, and let God do the rest.  He will build His church.

Application Questions:

  1. What is the significance of loving our brothers according to 1 John 2:7-11?   How will the world know that we are Christ’s disciples according to John 13:35?
  2. How can we increasingly host unbelievers in our home?
  3. In hospitality how can we be less worried about our pride, and more concerned about serving the needs of others?
  4. Contrast Christian community with pseudo-community.
  5. Contrast Christian compassion with state compassion.
  6. Do we give Christian service priority in our lives?
  7. Are we as Christians known as people of compassion and charity?   How can we take back our role?
  8. What is the basis of Christian contentment?
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