March 23, 2022
(More) Objections to Theonomy
The literal meaning of theonomy is simply the law of God. However, it has come to be used as a pejorative term by many who have not interacted with or understood the work on the subject. Pastor Norm Millar of Redemption Bible Chapel in London raised some common objections to theonomy in a recent sermon, and we respond to some of them in this episode.
Listen to Pastor Millar’s sermon here.
Get Joe Boot’s books dealing with this subject, Ruler of Kings, and The Mission of God.
Read Ezra Institute Fellow Jonathan Burnside’s book, God, Justice, and Society, from Oxford University Press.
Register for the upcoming Mission of God conference.
Apply for the 2022 Runner Academy.
Read Stephen C. Perks’ book, Disciple the Nations.
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