September 15, 2013
Moses: Faith and Power
Moses' faith was a specific and practical faith, taking risks and taking action. Moses had to face God at the burning bush; he had to confront Pharaoh; and he led rebellious Israel.
Scripture: Hebrews 11:23-29
Sermon Notes:
- The Gospels are not biographies which tell the story of the life and death of a subject; they are testimonies of the truth of Jesus by witnesses of His earthly ministry. The last chapter of the story of Christ and His saints can never be concluded.
- The Patriarchs had a faith that looked beyond death, because they knew they were part of a story without end.
- The faith of the patriarchs was not short term; they were looking forward to the future.
- Jacob did not receive the promises, but he blessed his descendants who would receive the promise.
- Many of us are living for the short term; but godly people redeem the time in evil days by looking toward the future.
- Faith is to act in terms of God’s purposes today, realizing big returns in the future.
- Blessings given in terms of God’s purposes cannot fail (Genesis 48:11-21).
- Jacob leaned on the faith of his fathers in the past, and worshipped in the present by blessing the future.
- God buries His workmen and carries on His work.
- Moses was the instrument of deliverance from Egypt and of the giving of the law.
- In faith Moses’ parents recognized God’s call and did not obey the state’s command to surrender their boy to death.
- If we see the beauty of God in our children, we will invest in their future, protecting them from the state’s control.
- As a mature man Moses decided to join the people of God.
- Moses chose affliction and hardship rather than the pleasures of sin because he was looking toward Christ as his reward. Christ is king of the here and now.
- Faith is not worldliness, but it is triumphant through obedience and sacrifice.
- Moses was the meekest man and the greatest prophet (Exodus 33:11; Numbers 12:3-8).
- Moses held fast to faith against all opposition. At times it is sinful to be at peace with evil.
- Imagine opposing the Pharaoh, and facing opposition from a rebellious Israel.
- God’s truth has never been popular; they murdered the prophets and crucified the Lord of glory.
- We are called to bless our age, but not to compromise with it.
- Moses’ faith was a specific and practical faith, taking risks and taking action. Moses had to face God at the burning bush; he had to confront Pharaoh; he led rebellious Israel.
- Today is our day to live by faith, facing our own unique challenges. We are to move into blessing for tomorrow.
- The list of Hebrews’ heroes of faith is never ending.
Application Questions:
- What were the characteristics of Moses’ faith?
- What is the pathway to triumphant faith?
- What are some practical ways can we redeem the time in evil times, instead of merely seeking personal comfort?
- Will we resist the state’s command to seize and control our children from early childhood indoctrination?
- Are we prepared to oppose evil? Or is peace our idol?
- Am I living and acting in faith anticipating the promised future blessing of the reign of Christ?
- Are we willing to risk our reputations to oppose sin?
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