August 7, 2011
Powerful Proverbs
Without a vision the people will perish. People need a course of action to follow. So the church needs to set its vision.
Scripture: Psalm 2
Sermon Notes:
- The solution in the Middle East is the regeneration of the hearts of the people.
- In recent years Muslims are submitting to Christ by the hundreds of thousands.
- Indigenous churches and indigenous leaders are growing.
- Some believers in Christ are kicked out of their families, sent to jail, beaten, tortured, and even killed.
- The more the nations suppress Christ, the more His followers grow.
- God is not worried when nations oppose Him (Psalm 2).
- The underground house church is very strong in Iran, and the government is resorting to accusing pastors of being CIA agents so as to have an excuse to jail them.
- Providing health care to the people was a powerful door to gospel influence in the UAE region.
- As a result of missionary doctors working in the area since the 1960s, the church now enjoys freedom of worship in the UAE.
- Lesson: Do what the Lord asks you to do and allow the Lord to determine the results.
- Christians now make up 10% of the UAE population.
- Though it is a multi-denominational congregation with diverse ethnic backgrounds, there is real unity.
- Without a vision the people will perish (Proverbs 29:18 KJV).
- People need a course of action to follow. So the church needs to set its vision.
- Our vision is to glorify God by extending His kingdom rule on earth.
- Jesus' whole ministry was themed around the Kingdom of God.
- The kingdom of God will continue to be established in history.
- Jesus wants to restore everything that was touched by sin.
- Jesus wants to rule our hearts and minds, our families, businesses, education, culture, etc.
- As Christians, we're to apply godly principles in every sphere of influence that we have.
- Everything we do in life is ministry; “do it all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).
- Muslim converts to Christ have tasted true freedom in Christ, and they're now willing to give up all for Him.
- Peter in Acts 2:33-36 says Christ will rule, making His enemies His footstool. Jesus is now making all His enemies submit.
Application Questions
- What is the kingdom of God in scripture?
- What is revealed about the kingdom of God by (a) the sermon on the mount, (b) by Jesus' casting out demons, (c) the cross, and (d) Pentecost?
- How does the Lord's prayer instruct us regarding the nature of the kingdom of God? (See Matthew 6:9-15)
- How should we view our vocations in light of 1 Corinthians 10:31?
- If twelve disciples turned the world upside down for Christ, what would it take for us to similarly impact our city for Christ?
- What is the possible future kingdom impact of the work God has called me to?
- How is the kingdom of God central to the priorities of my life and activities?
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