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Blog Entries from 2022


Christmas Glory

by Joe Boot

December 23, 2022

Despite appearances to the contrary, Christ our glory is bringing all things into subjection to Himself, first our own hearts and then all of His creation. The story of Scripture is that of the constant victories of God’s kingdom, often cleverly disguised as defeats.


Diwali, Dechristianization, and the Nation

by Joe Boot

December 1, 2022

For the first time in hundreds of years we are facing ignorant masses in our own nations who have no idea of Christ or the beauty of the gospel and they are wandering aimless, confused, and lost, unable to look to national leaders for any kind of example.


Discipline and Destiny

by Joe Boot

October 7, 2022 | Romans Romans 13:8-10

God instructs, guides, disciplines and at times punishes us as a righteous and holy father because He loves us. Our acceptance or rejection of God’s discipline determines the destiny of families, churches, and nations.


The Servant Queen

by Joe Boot

September 16, 2022 | Deuteronomy 

There is no understanding Elizabeth II without getting to the religious root of her service as Queen – her oath to serve Christ and submit to His Word and universal Empire.


Creation through Christ’s Powerful Word

by Joe Boot

February 18, 2022 | Proverbs 

Neither the cosmos as a whole, nor any particular part of it, is self-sufficient. Nothing exists by itself or for itself – including man – but consists in an unbreakable coherence with all other things by virtue of creation in Jesus Christ.


Syncretism and Listening to What They do not Say

by Joe Boot

January 28, 2022

In our contemporary cultural moment, righteousness is modified to mean an egalitarian order of social justice where the new great sins are homophobia, whiteness, possessing hard-earned wealth, emitting carbon, and any form of judgment rooted in the law of God.