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What Do You See?

by David Robinson

April 26, 2020 | Jeremiah 1

In this new series, More Than Conquerors, we want to consider how God’s people followed him in times of adversity. In Jeremiah 1, what God reveals to Jeremiah about his life and ministry is true not only of Jeremiah but also of us.


What Do You See?

by David Robinson

April 26, 2020 | Jeremiah 1

In this new series, More Than Conquerors, we want to consider how God’s people followed him in times of adversity. In Jeremiah 1, what God reveals to Jeremiah about his life and ministry is true not only of Jeremiah but also of us.


Thriving in Babylon

by Jeffrey J. Ventrella

February 28, 2018 | Jeremiah 29:1-7

Jeffery Ventrella explains how Christians should live in the midst of a distinctly antichristian culture. With special reference to law and the family, we can have confidence that every act of faithfulness is meaningful in the activity of building godly culture.


Zika Virus & the Abortion Opportunists

by Steven Martins

September 29, 2016 | Jeremiah 1:5

Pro-abortion advocates are attempting to use the birth risks associated with the spread of Zika virus to advance a murderous agenda. Christians must use this crisis to demonstrate the compassion of the Lord Jesus.


The Priestly Calling of the Medical Profession

by Joe Boot

April 1, 2014 | Jeremiah 8:22

Part of the purpose of God's redemptive activity in history is healing and wholeness for the whole person. This lecture explores the priestly calling of those in the medical profession.


Health, Salvation and the Kingdom of God (Part 1)

by Joe Boot

April 1, 2012 | Jeremiah 8:22

A biblical understanding of health gives attention to the linguistic connections between health, wholeness, and salvation. The healthcare provider is an inherently priestly role as demonstrated and applied in biblical times, and in early Christian hospitals.