January 20, 2013

The Mandate

There is no such thing as progressive Christians; they are not Christians. Christ remains the same, so there is no progress to be made in morality or the doctrine of Christ.

Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-2; Colossians 1:9-20

Sermon Notes:

  1. The preeminence and priestly office of Christ revealed in Hebrews must be understood in light of the books of Moses.
  2. Hebrew covers: Christ’s identity; Christ as our Priest; shadows of Christ in the law; receiving Christ by faith; and living for Him.
  3. Hebrews was probably written to a Jewish congregation which was tempted to move back into Jewish ceremonies.
  4. The letter was written before the destruction of temple and was received by the church as canonical, having apostolic authority.
  5. The reality of God and His perpetual activity is presupposed.  God is not silent, refuting those who askWhere is God?
  6. God has spoken in a diversity of ways in time past, but He has now spoken with finality in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  7. This presupposes a unity in all of scripture.  The whole counsel of God is consistent, whether He speaks through Moses, or the prophets, or through Christ.
  8. We have more revelation of God than Moses or Elijah had; we have a finished Word, i.e., the revelation of God in Christ.
  9. Everything is ratified in Christ; He is the fulcrum of all history and in Him a new age is inaugurated (1 Cor. 10:11; 1 Jn. 2:18).
  10. It is a waste of time to obsess with the events of the Middle East; we are to be active about the task given to us in Matthew 28:18-20.
  11. All who go beyond Christ are liars: there is no further revelation, there is no new gospel.
  12. The victory of Christ is what we apply in our lives and ministry.
  13. In the Age of the Messiah all things are shaken, and only what cannot be shaken (Christ’s kingdom) will remain (Heb. 12:28).
  14. Christ has been given all authority and an everlasting Kingdom  (Daniel 7:14; Matt. 28:18; John 3:35; Eph. 1:10).
  15. There is no such thing as “progressive Christians”; they are not Christians. Christ remains the same, so there is no progress to be made in morality or the doctrine of Christ.
  16. The sign of the end of the ages means the inauguration of the Messiah-King, who rules every aspect of His Creation.
  17. If we do not take action in terms of the reign of Christ, we will remain fruitless and discouraged in our own wilderness.
  18. If Christ is preeminent, then we are to do all for the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31).  The salvation of souls is not primary; it is a bi-product of glorifying Christ in every activity of life.
  19. To be an heir means to get lawful possession.  Christ is the lawful possessor of all things, and we are joint-heirs with Him.
  20. The role of Christ as a second Adam was to be the heir of all good things lost to man in the Fall; we enjoy the good things of God by right only when Christ admits us into His fellowship.
  21. Despite life’s struggles, we are blessed in Christ (2 Cor 4:7-10).
  22. In Christ we possess all things (Romans 8:16-18).
  23. Christ is the brightness of God’s glory.  God is invisible to us until we see Him in Christ (John 14:7-9).
  24. Everything moves in terms of God’s decree toward its foreordained goal or end.
  25. Christ is already reigning and ruling, and we are to apply His Word to every aspect of our lives.

Application Questions:

  1. Outline the uniqueness and supremacy of Christ from Heb. 1; Col. 1; Daniel 7:14; Matt. 28:18; John 3:35; Eph. 1:10.
  2. Why will we remain without victory in every aspect of our lives if we do not take the reign of Christ seriously?
  3. How can we live, breath, think in terms of the gospel of Christ?
  4. Why is it so important to recognize and apply the supremacy of Christ in education for our children?
  5. How will faithful Christian action impact society?
  6. What does it mean for us to be joint-heirs with Christ?
  7. What can we do manifest God’s reign in the world this week?
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