August 30, 2015
The Remembrance of God
The covenant promises of God are assured forever. God is always totally and absolutely faithful, even when we don't observe His activity.
Scripture: Psalm 111; Exodus 2:24-25
Sermon Notes:
- As fallen human beings we are fundamentally insecure; we don’t want to be alone and we don’t want to be forgotten.
- Consequently, people without faith in God are marked by self-centeredness and self-pity rather than joy and thanksgiving.
- As believers we pray to God to be mindful of us; we long to be remembered.
- Seeing the plight of the oppressed Hebrews in Egypt, God did not forget His covenant promises (Exodus 2:24-25).
- God would provide such a marvelous deliverance from Egypt, that it would be a type of Christ’s salvation and it would be remembered and sung of forever (Psalm 111).
- Those who meditate upon and learn God’s precepts have a good understanding (Psalm 111:10).
- God remembers the people with whom His covenant is made (Exodus 2:23-25). God is not concerned with abstract ideas; He is concerned with His promises, with His relationship toward His people.
- The covenant promises of God are assured forever.
- God is always totally and absolutely faithful, even during periods when we don’t observe His activity.
- Abraham waited until his old age when Sarah was past the age of child-bearing before God acted to fulfill the promise of a son.
- Sunday is a day of remembrance of God’s faithfulness to His covenant to Jacob, Moses, David, and with Christ.
- Whatever our condition, God hears our crying, our groaning, our prayer. Even our trivial concerns are heard by God. God knows we are made of dust.
- God sees all we’re going through (cf. Exodus 3:7).
- God knows all about His people intimately, and He cares.
- Nothing can threaten your relationship to Christ (cf. Romans 8:31-39).
- God remembers His people as a mother her nursing child (Isaiah 49:15).
- God promises, “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:8).
Application Questions:
- Why are people fundamentally insecure?
- How can we gain a sense of wellbeing and security?
- Give biblical examples of saints whose trust in God was vindicated in the face of impossibility.
- In what sense is every Sunday a remembrance Sunday?
- What does God’s intimate care for us mean for our prayer life?
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