May 28, 2017
The Riches of His Glorious Inheritance
God's purpose in our election is not that we may rest complacently in our sense of calling, but that we may boldly assert Christ's ownership claim over the whole earth.
Scripture: Ephesians 1:15-23
Sermon Notes:
- God’s purpose in our election is not that we may rest complacently in our sense of calling, but that we may boldly assert Christ’s claim to the whole earth as His inheritance.
- Paul was passionate in prayer for the church of God. He desired that the church would be fully quickened by the spiritual power of God.
- In Scripture, the heart is the center of the human person. Paul wants believers’ hearts to be enlightened.
- As the called-out people of God, we have a hope, a calling, an inheritance, and power from God.
- The Lord gives Wisdom (Pr. 2:6); our eyes need to be opened by the Holy Spirit.
- Our hope in God is tied up with our calling and inheritance. Our inheritance includes joys, responsibilities, and power for kingdom service.
- Our personal sense of calling must be formed in response to the exalted position held by Christ (Eph. 1; Col. 1; Ps. 110).
- The right hand of God is the place of all authority where Christ reigns, bringing all things into subjection (Ps. 8). Christ is God’s new man who has universal dominion.
- The church, or ecclesia, is the assembled group of called-out ones, commissioned in terms of the public affairs of the kingdom of God.
- The church has a universal jurisdiction; we thus have the right and obligation to go out in the name of our Lord and make disciples.
- The manifold wisdom of God is to be made known by the church to all institutions and authorities.
- We have a role to assert the crown rights of Christ the King over the whole earth.
- Canada was founded with an understanding that it is part of God’s dominion (Ps. 72:8).
- All things are to be brought into captivity to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5).
- Secularization in the church has eclipsed the true Christian gospel, which is characterized by servanthood.
- Man seeks but fails to bring about salvation by his own power.
- The church is the light of the world (Matt. 5:14). We are to intercede on behalf of our community.
- If we can’t be governed by God’s Word in the church, how can we expect others to believe it?
- The conviction of God’s truth comes through the sealing of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
- The church needs to adequately address the questions that have led to liberalism and apostacy.
- Recognizing the position of Christ, the Puritans faced hardship willingly and applied their faith to every area of life.
- The gospel is like leaven in a dough, which spreads and influences the whole loaf.
- Transformation of a culture is not top-down; it starts with individual conversion and discipleship in our families, churches, schools.
- The responsible action and reputation of the church led to the appointment of bishops as Roman justices (cf. 1 Cor. 6:1-6).
- The riches of our inheritance are found in our fellowship with Christ.
Application Questions:
- What is God’s purpose in electing us?
- Describe Christ’s relationship to the created order using Scripture.
- How should the exalted position of Christ inform our personal sense of calling?
- What right do Christians have to evangelize and proclaim the prophetic Word publicly?
- How can we herald and extend the universal power and victory of Christ?
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