February 23, 2014
The Seventh Commandment: Guarding Marriage
In a fallen world our feelings, instincts, and impulses are not normative for sexuality. God's law is the path to true freedom and joy.
Scripture: Exodus 20:14; Psalm 32; 51
Sermon Notes:
- God's law is the path to true freedom and joy.
- The sexual promiscuity of our day is not freedom, but tyranny and exploitation.
- The early church rejected the sexual perversion of pagan culture. Still today, the preaching of the gospel is received as a condemnation of the culture.
- The original plan of God for man and woman was marriage and sexual reproduction.
- The Bible endorses and encourages sexual intimacy in marriage (1 Corinthians 7; Song of Songs).
- Much of the early church improperly frowned on marital sex. The 19th century church prudishly shunned the topic of sex.
- The Puritans by contrast celebrated and elevated the biblical view of marital romance and sexuality, embracing God's purposes of marital pleasure and joy.
- The penalty for adultery reflects the value God places on faithfulness within the marital bond and the sacredness of human sexuality.
- The Victorian era's prudishness was followed by a sexual revolt against biblical norms in the 20th century.
- The attempt for man to be as God in sexual matters ruins social relations, breaking down marriages and families.
- Marriage is a realization of an aspect of life under God in community. We must submit to God's greater understanding.
- In a fallen world our feelings, instincts, and impulses are not normative for sexuality.
- In sexual sin, we depersonalize other people, and reap for ourselves slavery, guilt, and misery.
- Biblical faith leads to a proper view of sex; false religion leads to perversion (Romans 1:22-25).
- Refusing to worship the Creator who has all generative power, we regress to worship our own generative powers.
- The second commandment is connected to the seventh. If we do not have an exclusive relationship with God, why would we have an exclusive relationship with our spouse?
- Sexual sin is an explicitly religious idolatry which seeks to find fulfillment outside of relationship with God.
- The Law of God gives us the proper context for human sexuality in the marriage covenant (Genesis 2).
- In the one flesh union of marriage we observe sanctity in the fact that life can be forthcoming.
- The two become one while maintaining their individuality.
- Biblical marriage reflects our unity as humans and diversity as male and female, protecting against both bestiality and homosexuality.
- What God has joined we cannot separate; faithful heterosexual marriage is the only form of sexuality which is not a violation of God's purpose for sexuality.
- Any other lifestyle choice invites God's discipline and judgment upon adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, etc.
- Only 70 countries still regard sodomy as a criminal offense. The tolerance of homosexuality is based on an evolutionary worldview.
- In “pride parades” sinners revel in subverting God's law.
- You cannot love your neighbour by rejecting God's law.
- The entertainment industry has displayed sexual perversions in a positive light.
- God unmistakably condemns homosexual practice. Promiscuity and early death are almost universal among homosexual men.
- When we endorse such homosexual behavior, we are supporting a culture of death.
- Almost half of all children will live at some point in a home with only one parent, leaving them with no idea what a normal family is.
- We as God's church need to be ready to live and speak out obedience to God's word.
- Faithful marital sex brings joy (Proverbs 5:15-23); adultery brings ruin (Proverbs 6-7).
- The central offense in scripture is not treason against the state, but treason against the family.
- Living in a culture of sexual brokenness we recognize God’s purpose for restoration through confession and repentance (Psalm 32; 51).
- Historically, confession was part of the life of the evangelical church. We are all to minister the life, grace and forgiveness of God to one another.
- Deal with any sexual sin in your life today: stop reveling in lust; end any extra-marital sexual relationships; end any dangerous co-dependent emotional relationships.
- Guard your marriage by respecting your spouse in public, solving problems together in marriage, relating to each other in conversation, romancing each other, etc.
- If there was more courting in marriage there would be fewer marriages in court.
- When we resolve to embrace fidelity in marriage we will be blessed.
Application Questions
- What is God’s purpose for marriage and sexuality?
- What are the sins forbidden in the 7th commandment?
- List several ways we can guard fidelity in marriage.
- How should we respond to the sexual brokenness of our culture?
- What is God’s plan to restore lives broken by sexual sin?