August 21, 2011
The Snare of Fear
Fear can lead to dread, which leads to an inability to move or act as humans. Fear of God is the opposite of fear of man. When we face enemies while doing God's work, we're secure because it is God who stands behind us granting us strength.
Scripture: Proverbs 29:25, Nehemiah 6:1-16
Sermon Notes:
- Those who trust in the Lord dwell safely (Proverbs 1:33).
- Fear can lead to dread, which leads to an inability to move or act as humans.
- Fear of God is the opposite of fear of man (Proverbs 29:25).
- Nehemiah's courage is displayed in facing opposition and threats.
- Despite the power and ungodliness of the Persian empire, Nehemiah believed Jerusalem could be re-built.
- Having been faithful and courageous, Nehemiah now faces a lot of lies concocted to destroy the work.
- Nehemiah dismisses the attack and prays that God would strengthen his hands in the work.
- Any involvement of the church in social and justice matters faces opposition in the media.
- It brings about discouragement and fear, stopping the work.
- Many Christians are too intimidated to expose the lies of evolutionary philosophy.
- We need an awareness of danger; courage is the resistance and mastery of fear.
- We're to be obedient to God, finding security and safety in Him even during our fear.
- The Devil wants us to fear men and our circumstance more than God.
- In the face of impossible odds, God told Joshua and Gideon not to be afraid.
- In verses 10-13 Nehemiah was tempted to bring charges of hypocrisy and compromise to the work of God.
- When the church is in the midst of compromise we make ourselves a reproach before the enemies of God.
- We're tempted to sin, to compromise, to be respectable, to be likable.
- We're to be a “peculiar people” before the world – we're to live as Jesus' disciples. We can expect to be hated and ridiculed.
- Cowardice and faithlessness won't make us appealing to a humanistic world.
- It was the courage of Daniel and his friends that led to their influence in the Babylonian empire.
- We must not be silent; the kingdom message is the proclamation of the gospel.
- Nehemiah said, “I will not go in” and God granted him insight to see into the enemies' tactic.
- Without courage there cannot be truth, and without truth there can be no other virtue. – Sir. Walter Scott
- When we face enemies while doing God's work, we're secure because it is God who stands behind us granting us strength.
Application Questions
- Where is safety found according to Proverbs 1:33?
- How does the fear of man affect our ability to serve God?
- What aspects of our ministry and calling require our dependence on God to strengthen our hands?
- What is the fear in your life that's preventing you from doing what God calls you to do?
- What is the challenge or lie that is confronting you today, and preventing you from serving God?
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