September 1, 2013

The Steadfast Love of the Lord

The watchful eyes of parents keep children from countless dangers. The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him.

Scripture: Psalm 33

Sermon Notes:

  1. This Psalm is in five parts: 1) Introduction (vv1-3), 2) The word and work of God (vv4-9), 3) The counsel of the Lord and of the nations (vv10-12), 4) Two kinds of looking (vv13-19), and 5) Conclusion (vv20-22).
  2. This Psalm addresses the congregation, not the Lord or the singer as is often the case with psalms.
  3. Everyone is religious; everyone worships something or someone. The Enlightenment sought to deny this, portraying human beings as homo sapiens, the “thinking man.” But Scripture portrays human beings as homo adorans, the “worshipping man.” Thus idolatry is the main sin.
  4. Christianity is not about doing things to be saved, like other religions. Our salvation is not based on how well we keep the commandments.
  5. Salvation is based on what God has done, not on what we have done. God has made us acceptable to Himself by bearing our sins on the cross.
  6. Psalm 32:5. I confess my transgressions to the Lord, and He forgives the iniquity of my sin.
  7. “Sing to the Lord a new song” refers to new birth, salvation, being brought from darkness to light and death to life, and being part of the people of God. The “new song” reflects the newness of who I am, not the year of the song’s composition.
  8. Verses 4-9. There is an intimate connection between God’s words, His actions, and the effect of His actions. When God speaks, He acts.
  9. The mystery of the created order is not the mystery of God. You do not get closer to God by sitting on a dock in the Muskokas watching the sun set. God and His creation are categorically distinct. You get closer to God where He declares He is, that is, in prayer, and in His word.
  10. To deny what God says about the world is sin. We can try to redefine things (e.g. marriage, gender), but that does not change reality, it only confuses us and brings anarchy.
  11. God spoke, and it was done; He commanded and things stood fast. God’s creation is good.
  12. But the call to fear the Lord goes unheeded (Romans 1).
  13. Vv10-12. The counsel of the nations comes to nothing, but the counsel of the Lord stands forever (cf. Psalm 2).
  14. There are two types of seeing: 1) Omniscience – God sees everyone and everything (vv13-17); 2) Providence – God’s special care for His people (vv18-19).
  15. God is seated on the throne, looking down upon the nations, and He laughs at their puny schemes.
  16. So great is God that He is aware of every little thing. God is the ultimate manager. He is in all the details.
  17. What is God doing in Canada? God is waiting for His people to respond as the people of the King.
  18. When God appears to be at His weakest, that is when He demonstrates His almighty strength (e.g. at the cross).
  19. The Bible tells us to fear the Lord. Why should we seek to be holy? Because we fear God.
  20. Perfect love casts out fear, i.e. the fear of His wrath.
  21. The watchful eyes of parents keep children from countless dangers. The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him.
  22. God allows suffering to bring us back to Himself, saving us from His wrath.
  23. If you trust in God’s word, you will be guided by His counsel.

Application Questions:

  1. What does it mean for the believer to “fear the Lord?”
  2. Do we listen to the counsel of the nations, or the counsel of the Lord?
  3. Where is the fear of God in the church?
  4. How is Christianity different from other religions?
  5. Can we draw closer to God by drawing closer to His creation? Why or why not?
  6. What is the intimate connection between God’s words, His actions, and the effect of His actions? 
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