May 31, 2015
The Table of Nations and Renewed War
In the record of Noah's descendants we see already the conflict between the kingdom of God and the kingdoms of evil which God's people must confront.
Scripture: Genesis 10:1-32
Sermon Notes:
- Noah’s descendants spread out through the earth and become nations.
- The story of Shem’s line becomes prominent in Scripture as it details God’s plan to re-unite the nations in Christ.
- In Scripture the natural family is not the primary family; the family of grace is primary over the blood lines and birth priority, e.g., Isaac, Jacob, Judah.
- The table of nations also provides information about the history, geography, and culture of the ancient world.
- Though the earth was purged of evil in the flood, the evil and rebellion in man’s heart quickly emerges again.
- Nimrod’s name means rebel; he established an empire city and as a tyrant he preyed on other men.
- God permits evil kingdoms to arise so His grace may be manifested in the overthrow of these kingdoms.
- History is a conflict between the kingdom of God, and the evil kingdoms which God’s people must confront.
- Shem’s descendants are listed last because the rest of Genesis details his lineage to the coming Saviour.
- We are all descended from Noah and thus racism is a fallacious lie. Righteousness exalts a nation; not skin colour or ethnicity.
- All people are fallen in Adam and the gospel restores us to unity in Christ.
- When a nation puts its faith in Christ and starts to live righteously, then that nation is exalted (Prov. 14:34).
- No nation is inherently superior. What makes a culture great is faith in Christ and His transformation of it (Eph. 2:11-22).
- The story of Babel involved a syncretistic utopian vision to deify man that he might define truth and reality for himself.
- Following after Nimrod’s rebellion, modern Christians like Tom Harpur wish to paganise Christianity denying the historical Jesus.
- To say that many paths lead to God, or that many roads lead to spiritual fulfillment, is a claim to have a semi-divine perspective without appealing to special revelation.
- Humanism seeks to recreate a paradise on earth apart from God.
- Humanists view a pagan religious unity (e.g. moral acceptance of the LGBTQ agenda) as a prelude to socio-political unity.
- Rejecting God’s divine revelation, humanism seeks to redefine everything by man’s word (cf. Ps. 115:2-8).
Application Questions:
- What is the significance of the table of nations in Genesis 10?
- What is the biblical importance placed on the natural family versus the family of grace and faith?
- How can we work to purge our racist impulses and seek unity under Christ?
- Critique interfaith movements. How can someone “know” that all faiths lead to God?
- Why is the LGBTQ agenda so militantly promoted by humanists?
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