January 1, 2012

The Twelfth Night

Surrendering to Christ and His body, the church is the most essential commitment we can make for this new year.

Scripture: Revelation 12

Sermon Notes:

  1. Surrendering to Christ and His body, the church is the most essential commitment we can make for this new year.
  2. Twelfth Night is a reference to Shakespeare's comedy and the worship of the magi at the feast of Epiphany.
  3. In Rev 12:1, the woman is both Israel and the Church, and the twelve stars are the people of God.
  4. The dragon is the great sea monster of the Old Testament that opposed God and His righteous rule.
  5. In ruling the sea, in walking on it, Jesus is Lord even over evil and the things that oppose Him.
  6. Rev. 12:5. The Christ is born and He ascends to God after His victory over the dragon on the cross.
  7. Rev. 12:7-8. The dragon is defeated.
  8. Rev. 12:10-11. The testimony of the saints is not just in their words, it includes their actions.
  9. There is an attempt to silence the church in Canada.
  10. Enmity toward and persecution against the church worldwide is due to the principalities and powers at work.
  11. Rev. 12:6, 13-17: The woman flees from the persecution of the dragon and escapes into wilderness. Water is spewed out after her,
  12. The wilderness is a place of treachery and danger.
  13. The dragon has been defeated but not eradicated.
  14. The people of God are stood upon by the beast. They are engulfed by the sea.
  15. The Christian faith is spreading despite persecution.

Application Questions:

  1. Who is represented by the dragon in Rev. 12? Whom does the woman represent? Who is represented by the child?
  2. What does the defeat of the dragon mean for the people of God?
  3. Was the dragon eradicated? What are the implications of this for the Church?
  4. Do we, like the saints in verses 10-11, have a strong testimony?
  5. How ought we to live in this new year in light of the message of Revelation 12?
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