December 14, 2014
Waiting for Our Blessed Hope
The meaning of Christmas is that all peoples have been offered the grace of God in Christ. That grace invites us to humble ourselves before God's self-revelation in Christ and enter into familial fellowship with God.
Scripture: Titus 2:11-14
Sermon Notes:
- Advent reminds us that God’s Providence involves times of waiting.
- We celebrate the incarnation of Christ, the foundation of all explanations of life and reality.
- People today miss Christ because they do not stop to deeply examine ultimate issues.
- The advent is real history, a claim about real persons and real events. The grace of God appeared to all people.
- The Bible is the word of the absolute, all-conditioning God; it speaks infallibly about all subjects it addresses.
- The Christian faith is based on the self-revelation of God, who speaks into history ultimately in His Son, Jesus.
- Christian faith is based on a transcendent God who speaks with authority to mankind; other religions are atheistic, or at most believe in spirits and forces.
- All of history hinges on the advent of Christ: the virgin birth and God’s incarnation with us give meaning to Christmas.
- Outside of the doctrine of God as Trinity, the two most foundational doctrines are creation and predestination.
- The world is either personally governed by God or it is a chance collection of materialistic meaninglessness.
- God governs everything by His inscrutable Providence.
- History manifests both in God’s judgment and mercy.
- God is the creator and governor of all things. Grace, God’s unmerited favour, is an aspect of Providence.
- The meaning of Christmas is that all peoples have been offered the grace of God in Christ.
- Those who seek God with their whole heart will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13; Matt. 13:44).
- Even in His self-revelation, God hides Himself (Isaiah 45:15). God is not a show-off; His work involves drawing humble people unto Himself, not winning popularity.
- Remarkable events are not universally persuasive and they do not compel belief; even the supernatural works of God have been attributed to Satan or to natural events.
- God reveals Himself according to His wisdom, not ours.
- God’s concealing of Himself is a relational matter. We must approach God with willing submission through the Son by the person of the Holy Spirit.
- The Father hides Himself from those wise in their own conceit and reveals Himself to babes (Matt. 11:25-27).
- Unless we love the Truth, we cannot know Him.
- In and of ourselves we are not worthy of being brought into relationship and fellowship with God; but in Christ we are invited to worship the Creator of heaven and earth.
- The insincere seeker has his own moral reasons to hate God. He cannot see that to which he is already blind.
- The grace of God has appeared, and it is given to those who come to God as little children.
- The identity of the Child is known if we are living in humility and in love of God’s truth.
- We need to humble ourselves before Christ and His Word and ask Him to humble us.
Application Questions:
- How does the incarnation make Christian faith distinct from all other religions?
- Why is God’s self-revelation to man always an act of grace, and not received by an intellectual exercise?
- What is the usual answer when a seeker finally asks: why do I fail to see and know God in Jesus Christ as I should?
- To what kind of people does God reveal Himself?
- How can we apply this message to our conversations this advent season?
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