April 20, 2020

COVID19 Update

Dear Friends and Supporters,

I pray this letter finds you well and in good heart despite the present challenging and difficult circumstances.  It is a joy to be able to trust that whatever comes our way, ‘We know that the Lord gives victory to His anointed’ (Ps. 20: 6).  Christ is still upon the throne.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the EICC’s global family of friends and supporters who may be ill, have lost a loved one, or are struggling emotionally, financially or relationally due to the widespread lockdowns.  This is a time for God’s people to pray for one another and support one another.

The executive leadership of the Ezra Institute has been closely monitoring the changing situation, both in Canada and beyond, and in particular we are following all developments with regard to policy that may impact travel and the gathering of larger groups of people.  We are shaping our ministry response and strategy accordingly, as well as managing all the affairs of the EICC with the greatest care – whilst relying wholly on God to meet our needs (Ps. 20: 7).  Please continue to watch for specific program announcements at the end of the month.

As a ministry driven by providing high impact residential training opportunities, the present crisis is obviously having a serious impact upon us.  We would greatly value your prayers and ongoing support as the Lord leads and makes a way.

‘May Yahweh answer you in a day of trouble; may the name of Jacob’s God protect you’ (Ps. 20: 1)

Pro Rege,

Joseph Boot

Founder & President

Ezra Institute

On behalf of the Ezra Institute Executive Board.

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