June 19, 2011
Judging Others
To judge others by human standards is both hypocritical and self-blinding. Whoever judges by the word of God begins his censure with himself.
Scripture: Matthew 7:1-6; Psalm 37
Sermon Notes:
- The true God-fearer is one who judges wisely, in terms of God's standards.
- The sermon on the mount condemns our sin, putting us in full dependence on Christ because in and of ourselves this teaching of Jesus can't be obeyed.
- It's impossible to live a life without judgment (cf. John 7:24).
- People today judge those who take a stand for truth and justice.
- In verse 6, Jesus says the gospel itself should not be given to those who will blasphemously abuse it.
- Today's church suffers from a flabby sentimentalism, which rejects the biblical requirement of church discipline.
- The apostle John says we're not even to wish godspeed to a false teacher; nor are we to eat with Christians who are idolaters.
- Jesus is condemning a self-righteous attitude by which people see problems everywhere else but never in themselves.
- Judgment is either made in terms of God's righteousness, or in terms of man's self-righteous standards.
- Jesus warns that if we judge falsely and hypocritically, the same unfair standard will be applied to us.
- We honour God when we apply His righteousness and justice to all things, especially to ourselves.
- Jesus confirms in Matthew 5:17-20 that His justice is based on His written law, and that is the right standard of judgment.
- We're not to apply our own concept of regional holiness to others.
- We must not elevate our own personal preferences, tastes, and hopes to the canon of scripture.
- To judge others by human standards is both hypocritical and self-blinding.
- Whoever judges by the word of God begins his censure with himself.
- Men make false use of this passage when they try to remove all discrimination between good and evil.
- False judgment is based on a false sense of superiority, and often hopes for the worst in others, contrary to 1 Corinthians 13:7.
- The hyper-critic focuses attention on indifferent and inconsequential matters, a practice condemned in Romans 14.
- It falls to church and civil leadership to make judgments; most problems occur, however, when our tastes and preferences are placed upon others.
- There ought to be a kind-heartedness, a generosity, toward Christian brothers, knowing that we ourselves are subject to the same failings. We also need to be willing to accept input in our lives.
- We're all going to stand before God and everything will be exposed (1 Corinthians 3:11-15; 2 Corinthians 5:10).
- Don't hide false judgments under a pretense of doing others good.
- It changes our tone and posture toward the person we're trying to help when we first recognize our own faults.
- We're to confront false doctrine, error, and immorality, but graciously and based on biblical standards.
- There is a time to remove the dust from our feet and move on, when facing a determined and incurable contempt for God.
Application Questions
- Is Jesus forbidding all judgment? Explain your answer.
- Why does our culture prefer the affable, middle of the road people who won't stand for anything?
- Explain how ease, compromise, and appeasement can actually destroy the peace of the family, church or nation.
- Am I pleased to hear about the stumbling or faults of others?
- Do I feel pleasure when I cast judgment on others?
- Give examples of the biblical requirement of righteous judgment. (Cf. 2 John 10-11; 1 Corinthians 5:11)
- Do I place my preferences upon others as God's principles?
- Do I impute motives to others and gossip about my theories?
- Are we unwilling to extend grace to others who offend us, and to accept genuine mitigating circumstances?
- Am I living in Christ's power to obey the Sermon on the Mount?
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