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Recovering the Christian Mind

by Joe Boot

August 13, 2019

Joe Boot discusses a program for recovering a soup-to-nuts approach to thinking as a Christian in every area – not just about traditionally Christian things like devotions and apologetics. If the world belongs to Christ (and it does), then we have a responsibility to bring our thinking in line with His Word.


Appeasement, Compromise and Silence in a D-Day for the Church

by Joe Boot

June 10, 2019

History has smiled with gratitude on the heroes of Normandy. How will history judge the church of our generation in a time of cultural conflict? In the D-Day of the Western church, what will be God’s verdict?


The Jack Boots In The Hall

by Joe Boot

May 3, 2019

In the face of the massive cultural change all around us, Christian faithfulness calls for a radical reformation in all areas of life, not just those safe areas of personal piety.


Cultural Prophets versus Corrupt Priests

by Joe Boot

February 1, 2019 | 1 Samuel 3:4

Today, as in the time of the judges, we are to pray and work for regeneration and reformation, over against the spirit of revolution against God and his Word, declaring the whole counsel of God to the culture without fear or compromise. 


Pride and Political Coercion: The Collapse of Freedom in the Centenary year of WWI

by Joe Boot

December 4, 2018

100 years after WWI, remember the hard-won freedoms our ancestors fought for, and pray for courage to confront a world that is hostile to the gospel.


Life IS Religion

by Joe Boot

October 23, 2018

By affirming religious relativism, whilst declaring itself non-religious, secularism brilliantly enthroned itself as the ultimate religious principle. The biblical term for this is Idolatry.


Revoice: Sliding into Heresy

by Peter Jones

August 14, 2018 | 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

The Revoice view of sexuality downplays the dangers of generalized pagan homosexual culture, and creates a third category of human sexuality, denying the biblical, ontological principle of distinctions.


Whatever happened to the fearless priesthood?

by Joe Boot

July 27, 2018 | 1 Peter 2:9

The Christian's priestly calling is a grand and noble identity to mediate the blessings of God to the world.


Sex and Intelligent Design

by Joe Boot

July 5, 2018 | Matthew 19:4-6

In the fervor of revolutionary sexuality, we must ask whether the subversion of creational norms is causing harm or good to the human person and human society as a whole.


Jordan Peterson, Jung, and Hope for the Faint-Hearted

by Peter Jones

June 12, 2018 | Psalms 96:5

Much of what Jordan Peterson says is very Christian friendly, but his coherence breaks down when he finds inspiration in Carl Jung, one of the most powerful creators of todays post-Christian, neo-pagan culture.


Obedience is Green

by Joe Boot

June 4, 2018 | Genesis 1:26-28

Obedience to God's laws and norms is a matter of real-world significance. This is true for agriculture and every other type of cultural pursuit.


Why Classical Christian Education?

by Joe Boot

May 14, 2018 | Isaiah 28:24-29

The utmost concern of the Christian should be the relating of their faith in Christ Jesus and his infallible word to the world around them beginning in the family. In fact that is what Christian education in essence is.