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Life IS Religion

by Joe Boot

October 23, 2018

By affirming religious relativism, whilst declaring itself non-religious, secularism brilliantly enthroned itself as the ultimate religious principle. The biblical term for this is Idolatry.


Whatever happened to the fearless priesthood?

by Joe Boot

July 27, 2018 | 1 Peter 2:9

The Christian's priestly calling is a grand and noble identity to mediate the blessings of God to the world.


Who do you Say that I Am?

by Jeffery Ventrella

July 10, 2018 | John 14:6

Language is given by God, to be used in conveying truth. Preferred personal pronouns seek to undermine God’s created reality and affirms sin and rebellion.


Jordan Peterson, Jung, and Hope for the Faint-Hearted

by Peter Jones

June 12, 2018 | Psalms 96:5

Much of what Jordan Peterson says is very Christian friendly, but his coherence breaks down when he finds inspiration in Carl Jung, one of the most powerful creators of todays post-Christian, neo-pagan culture.


Obedience is Green

by Joe Boot

June 4, 2018 | Genesis 1:26-28

Obedience to God's laws and norms is a matter of real-world significance. This is true for agriculture and every other type of cultural pursuit.


What is Cultural Marxism?

by Andrew Sandlin

April 23, 2018

Cultural Marxism is one of those phrases that we use a lot; but for those who don't have the leisure to study this material, how do we understand this term? Andrew Sandlin explains the origins, nature, and insidious implications of this worldview that has been in ascendance in the modern West.


Jesus Christ’s Finished Work Finishes Off Satan and Sin

by Andrew Sandlin

April 1, 2018 | Hebrews 1:8-13

Jesus Christ's death was itself an exaltation and victory the Son of Man lifted up to draw the sinful world to him, and victory over the forces of Satan and sin and hell.


God Was in Christ Reconciling

by Andrew Sandlin

March 29, 2018 | 2 Corinthians 5:19

Our Lord's death isn't just a work of the members of the Trinity all working together but also as the person, the single living God, saving us.

This article originally appeared at


The Office of the Evangelist: Remembering Billy Graham

by Joe Boot

February 27, 2018

Billy Graham leaves behind a legacy of faithfully proclaiming salvation in Jesus. His evangelistic zeal and personal integrity highlight the biblical office of the evangelist.


The Biblical Gospel is Imperialistic

by Andrew Sandlin

February 21, 2018

The gospel is a declaration of what God has done, is doing, and will do in Jesus Christ to take his world back from Satan and sin. It demands our allegiance and our devotion and passion in public no less than in private.

Hear the interview inspired by this article here.


Culture Wars and Culture Building

by Ryan Eras

February 6, 2018 | Acts 17:18

Christians don't have the option to withdraw from the culture war, but in order to effectively engage, we need to first have a vision for what godly culture is like.


Dr. Jonathan Burnside Appointed EICC Fellow


December 8, 2017

The EICC is pleased to welcome Dr. Jonathan Burnside as Fellow in Biblical Law.