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IVF Funding, Profanity in the Culture

by Joe Boot

April 16, 2014

EICC founder Rev. Joe Boot and Gretta Vosper, founder of the Canadian Centre for Progressive Christianity, discuss profanity in the culture and issues surrounding funding for In Vitro Fertilization.


Gender Indentification, Public School Funding, Education & AIDS

by Scott Masson

April 8, 2014

EICC fellow Dr. Scott Masson and Justin Trottier, spokesperson for the Canadian Secular Alliance, debate gender identification on birth certificates, the oath to the queen as a requirement of citizenship, the funding of public education, and education as a solution to preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS.


In Defence of Freedom of Speech

by Joe Boot

April 8, 2014

Freedom of speech is more important than protecting against wounded sensibilities.


Westboro Baptist, Quebec’s Secular Charter, and Mandatory Vaccinations

by Scott Masson

March 18, 2014

EICC fellow Dr. Scott Masson and Justin Trottier, spokesperson for the Canadian Secular Alliance, discuss the death of the founder of Westboro Baptist Church, and debate the merits of the Secular Charter in Quebec and whether parents should have the choice to vaccinate their children or if the government should mandate the requirements for the good of public health.


9/11 Symbols, Campus Rape Culture

by Scott Masson

March 11, 2014

EICC fellow Dr. Scott Masson and Justin Trottier, spokesperson for the Canadian Secular Alliance, debate the symbols in the 9/11 memorial, censorship, whether there is a rape culture on university campuses, and the over-sexualization of society.


Ugandan Homosexuality Law

by Scott Masson

February 25, 2014

EICC Dr. Scott Masson, and Gretta Vosper of West Hill United Church, debate the morality of the recently-passed law outlawing homosexual behaviour in Uganda, and related issues of religion, culture, and international relations.


Nudity at the Pride Parade

by Joe Boot

February 18, 2014

EICC founder Joe Boot and Justin Trottier, spokesperson for the Canadian Secular Alliance, debate the flouting of public nudity laws at the gay pride parade in Toronto.


Financial Aid to Palestine, Affirmative Action, and Gender

by Joe Boot

January 21, 2014

EICC founder Rev. Joe Boot and Justin Trottier, spokesperson for the Canadian Secular Alliance, debate whether Canada should provide financial aid to the Palestinians, whether affirmative action is beneficial, and the implications of gender fluidity.


Faith Matters

by Joe Boot

January 15, 2014

Joe Boot and Justin Trottier of the Canadian Secular Alliance debate religious accomodation, LGBT education, and more.


Social Justice

by Joe Boot

January 7, 2014

EICC founder Rev. Joe Boot and Justin Trottier, spokesperson for the Canadian Secular Alliance, debate whether we are too reliant on government to provide for our security, or whether government intervention is undercutting freedom and dignity in our society


Atheists vs Christmas

by Joe Boot

December 18, 2013

Joe Boot and Justin Trottier join Michael Coren to debate atheist ads being planned for the Christmas season.


Gay-Straight Alliances, Circumcision and more

by Scott Masson

December 18, 2013

Scott Masson and Justin Trottier debate gay straight alliances in Catholic schools, circumcision, and more.