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Apologetics Seminars


Christian Faith and Other Worldviews

by Joe Boot

January 1, 2004

By contrast to other worldviews, the Christian faith offers truth, hope and life, squarely addressing the condition of mankind.


Evolution and Scientism

by Joe Boot

January 1, 2004

Evolutionary naturalism or scienticism is a faith based perspective which relies on several unprovable assumptions. Furthermore, this worldview cannot provide satisfactory explanations for human experience, such as the laws of logic and rationality. Christian faith, far from being blind, is the only sure foundation for knowledge.


In Creation

by Joe Boot

January 1, 2004

How is God revealed in Creation and what do we learn about Him?


Glory, Rubbish and the Human Race

by Joe Boot

January 1, 2004

Christians, above all people, are to be pitied if the message of the Bible is not true and relevant to us today.


Apologetic Mandate

by Joe Boot

January 1, 2003

The centrality of truth is inescapable. Even when we seek to deny it, we are affirming it.