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Jubilee Journal


Augustine on the Good of Marriage (Part 1)

by David Robinson

April 1, 2013 | Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:31

Augustine's theology of marriage hinges on the three goods of marriage: children, fidelity, and sacrament. The denial of these goods is a critical point in contemporary efforts to redefine marriage.


Gender and Sexuality

by David Robinson and Jennifer Forbes and Joe Boot and Peter Jones and Scott Masson

April 1, 2013

Human sexuality is intrinsic to the created order, and God's intent for it is happiness, blessing, and offspring; it is a gift. Rejection of this gift is the source of relational chaos and disorder; it is vandalism and not freedom.


Sex and the History of Christianity

by Joe Boot

April 1, 2013 | 1 Corinthians 7:3-5

The church's historical attitudes toward sex, sexuality and marriage from the first century through to the present day have often been in error. Rather than something to be repressed or brazenly flaunted, sex is a gift of God to mankind, to be enjoyed and celebrated within the God-ordained context of marriage between one man and one woman.


Neither Generous nor Just

by Joe Boot

December 1, 2012

Examining the thesis and assumptions of Generous Justice reveals that Keller's understanding of justice is far removed from the biblical model. Justice is not a matter of economic situation; there is no partiality with God. It is rather the faithful application of biblical laws to judicial matters.


Law and Gospel (Part 2)

by David Robinson and Jeffery Ventrella and Jennifer Forbes and Joe Boot and Ryan Eras

December 1, 2012

God's law and God's gospel work together for our salvation and sanctification. We are not simply ignorant; we are the dead brought to life – convicted and executed under the law, and raised to new life by the gospel.

Law and Gospel Vol. 1


Biblical Law versus Natural Law

by Joe Boot

October 1, 2012

Biblical law stands in contrast to the dominant alternative, natural law theory, which for all its claims to neutrality, is in fact nothing more than a revived Stoic paganism, and is of no credibility in a world that lacks religious consensus.


Hegelian Lawlessness

by Ryan Eras

October 1, 2012 | Job 42:2

Examining the Hegelian roots of Marxist ideology reveals that the God described in Hegel's philosophy is utterly irreconcilable with the God revealed in Scripture.


Law and Gospel (Part 1)

by Jeffery Ventrella and Joe Boot and Michael Haykin and Ruth Ross and Ryan Eras

October 1, 2012

God's law is a reflection of His holiness and character, and it has specific and enduring purposes in the function of God's economy.

Law and Gospel Vol. 2


Health, Salvation and the Kingdom of God (Part 3)

by Joe Boot

April 1, 2012

The resurgence of naturalistic, materialist worldviews have dominated much of modern medical practice.The Bible rejects both the ancient esotericism as well as the current belief in an ever-evolving technological materialism.


Health, Salvation and the Kingdom of God (Part 2)

by Joe Boot

April 1, 2012

The ministry of health and salvation finds parallels between pastors and doctors in promoting total health. Over against the pagan Greco-Roman understanding of the doctor as a god-like figure, the biblical teaching is that the power of health, and indeed of life and death, is God's alone.


Health, Salvation and the Kingdom of God (Part 1)

by Joe Boot

April 1, 2012 | Jeremiah 8:22

A biblical understanding of health gives attention to the linguistic connections between health, wholeness, and salvation. The healthcare provider is an inherently priestly role as demonstrated and applied in biblical times, and in early Christian hospitals.


Health and Salvation

by Carlisle J. Percival and David Robinson and Jennifer Forbes and Joe Boot and Randall Currie

April 1, 2012

Medicine cannot save an unregenerate heart. Christ is the Great Physician, who restores sinners spiritually and bodily. And He is the Lawgiver, providing the foundation for medical ethics.