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Education and the Mission of God

by Scott Masson

August 17, 2014 | Proverbs 3:1-12; Genesis 1:26-28; Matthew 28:18-19; Ephesians 6:1-4

If we reject the Lord of life we will reap a culture of death. Education in the knowledge of God and submission to His law-order is the basis for freedom, blessing, and a long life.


The House of the Wicked

by Joe Boot

August 10, 2014 | Proverbs 9:12-14

The house of the wicked seeks a statist utopia; but as God’s new humanity in Christ we are to build the house of God which will expand to the recreation of all things.


The House of the Wicked

by Joe Boot

August 10, 2014 | Proverbs 9:12-14

The house of the wicked seeks a statist utopia; but as God's new humanity in Christ we are to build the house of God which will expand to the recreation of all things.


The Seduction of Folly

by Scott Masson

July 27, 2014 | Proverbs 7

The only path to wisdom is by faith in the blood of the Lamb, who loved us.


The Seduction of Folly

by Scott Masson

July 27, 2014 | Proverbs 7

The only path to wisdom is by faith in the blood of the Lamb, who loved us.


The Unity of Wisdom

by Joe Boot

July 13, 2014 | Proverbs 3:1-26

The wisdom that made all things is the same wisdom that we are to apply in our lives and to teach to the next generation. The failure to do this creates a culture of folly.


The Unity of Wisdom

by Joe Boot

July 13, 2014 | Proverbs 3:1-26

The wisdom that made all things is the same wisdom that we are to apply in our lives and to teach to the next generation. The failure to do this creates a culture of folly.


The Call of Wisdom

by David Robinson

July 6, 2014 | Proverbs 1

Wisdom is to rightly apply God's law to every situation. The wisdom of Proverbs is given for the individual, for the home, for the church, and for society at large.


The Call of Wisdom

by David Robinson

July 6, 2014 | Proverbs 1

Wisdom is to rightly apply God’s law to every situation. The wisdom of Proverbs is given for the individual, for the home, for the church, and for society at large.


Facing the Challenge

by Randall Currie

April 1, 2012 | Proverbs 8:36; Matthew 5;James 2; Colossians 2:17; Psalm 24:1; Colossian 1:15-20; Psalm 115; Romans 1:15; Philippians 3:10

The Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity addresses a strategic need in a post Christian culture.


Purity and Fidelity

by Joe Boot

September 11, 2011 | Proverbs 5

In the book of Proverbs, infidelity, fornication and adultery are the opposite of practical wisdom and faithfulness. Infidelity is not the path to freedom; it leads to physical, emotional, and spiritual harm to our humanity.


Your Rod and Staff

by Scott Masson

August 28, 2011 | Proverbs 12:1-2

Our church is called to a ministry of nurture, which includes church discipline. You can't sin and say it's no one else's business. We live in community. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. We grieve the Holy Spirit when we fail to discipline and be disciplined. Only biblical Christianity gives life meaning. It gives us social order; and it balances liberty and law.