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Acts of the Apostles and The Mission of God


Antioch and Mercy Ministry

by Joe Boot

April 29, 2012 | Acts 11:19-30

In Constantinople, 100,000 Christians maintained 50,000 poor, all the clergy, and 3,000 widows and orphans, all through the tithe.


But Prayer

by Michael Boot

April 22, 2012 | Acts 12

Prayer is the condition of divine operation.


But Prayer

by Michael Boot

April 22, 2012 | Acts 12

Prayer is the condition of divine operation.


Peter and Cornelius: Scope of the Mission

by Joe Boot

April 15, 2012 | Acts 10

All believers are to defend as well as proclaim the gospel. Apologetics is not an elite task for scholars and pastors.


Peter and Cornelius: Scope of the Mission

by Joe Boot

April 15, 2012 | Acts 10

All believers are to defend as well as proclaim the gospel. Apologetics is not an elite task for scholars and pastors.


Conversion of Saul – A Vision of Jesus

by Joe Boot

February 19, 2012 | Acts 9:1-31

God prepares us in advance for a purpose and calling, by our education, trials, family, and experiences.


A Face like the Angels’

by Joe Boot

February 12, 2012 | Acts 6:15

True preaching is not just communication; it's the word of life transforming us and creating new conditions of life. The law of God requires care for orphans and widows, and so the early church undertook ministry to practical needs. Both ministry of the Word and the ministry of compassion are high and holy work.


Authority of Jesus’ Name

by Joe Boot

February 5, 2012 | Acts 5:12-42

We either speak and work by the integrating power of God, or by the disintegrating power from below. We need to stand by the name of Jesus in both the small things and the big things.


Healing and the Power of the Name of Jesus

by David Robinson

January 29, 2012 | Acts 3; Isaiah 35

Whenever the name of Jesus is preached, and whenever people turn to Jesus, God blots out our sins and times of healing and refreshing come.


The Sending of Jesus

by Joe Boot

January 22, 2012 | Acts 2

In the new covenant we are all prophets and priests through the Holy Spirit (cf. Num. 11:29), empowered to minister and serve.


The Kingdom Mission of Jesus

by Joe Boot

January 15, 2012 | Acts 1:1-11

Jesus ascends in glory, and sits down in total authority over all things. In the work of the kingdom, faithfulness, prayer, and dependence on the Holy Spirit are primary to any considerations of marketing or technique.