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Leadership Roundtable


The Value of Life and the Law of God

by Joe Boot

April 16, 2014 | Psalms 139

With the decline of Christianity in our contemporary culture, the value of life has been lost. For the Christian, the law of God shows us the value and conditions of life.


Abortion: A Sign of What is Worshipped

by Scott Masson

April 16, 2014

When we seek to act as gods, determing life and death for ourselves, we create a culture of death. The God of scripture alone determines life and death and it is in and through Jesus Christ that we can have abundant life.


Sexuality, Culture and the Church

by Joe Boot

October 16, 2013

Pornography has pervaded our culture and is re-wiring the brains of its many consumers. The church needs to be on guard and teach repentance to overcome the power of addiction to pornography.


Pesky Verses or the Power of God: Romans One under Attack

by Peter Jones

October 16, 2013 | Romans 1

In our contemporary culture, we are faced daily with the radical redefinition of something so intrinsic to us as human beings: our sexuality. This coincides with a rise in paganism, which is not coincidental.


The Name Above All Names

by Joe Boot

July 4, 2013

If our lives, ministries, and work are to have an impact in our day, they must manifest the power of the resurrection, which is only present when faithfulness to his total-word and confidence in his lordship and Spirit characterizes our lives.


Hindrances to Christian Culture

by Andrew Sandlin

July 4, 2013

There are several key impediments to the creation of Christian culture in the church and our world.


The Great Commission – The Biblical Mandate to Educate (1/2)

by Joe Boot

March 13, 2013

The Great Commission given by our Lord is a mandate to educate: "teach them to obey all things I have commanded you." Jesus also emphasized the awesome responsibility of those who teach, warning of the judgment upon those who mislead little ones (Matthew 18:6).

(Part 2)


The Great Commission – The Biblical Mandate to Educate (2/2)

by Scott Masson

March 13, 2013

Education concerns the future. To whom does the future or history belong? To God for his purposes or to man for the fulfillment of his sinful desires? Nothing then is more important for the church to grasp today than the centrality and importance of a Christ-centred education.

(Part 1)


The Church in Our Current Cultural Crisis (1/2)

by Scott Masson

November 21, 2012

In times of difficulty, God has again and again throughout the centuries called and raised up faithful leaders in His church to confront the challenges of the time, and to lead His people in wisdom and faithfulness. This is again the need of the hour.


The Church in Our Current Cultural Crisis (2/2)

by Joe Boot

November 21, 2012

In times of difficulty, God has again and again throughout the centuries called and raised up faithful leaders in His church to confront the challenges of the time, and to lead His people in wisdom and faithfulness. This is again the need of the hour.