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The Propaganda of the Kingdom

by Joe Boot

March 29, 2016

Amidst all the complexity of the world, there are two basic ways to understand it – either in terms of God's Word or man's idea. Learn more about the significance of God's self-revelation through his Word.


Kingdoms and Culture

by Joe Boot

March 29, 2016

Modern Western culture is increasingly hostile to the Christian worldview. How did we get to this point, and what is the Christian response?


The Sexuality of the Kingdoms

by Joe Boot

March 29, 2016

The biblical story begins and ends with a wedding; sexuality is a major issue in the Kingdom of God, and is an area that the devil has sought to twist and distort. Learn about the robust biblical teaching on sexuality and marriage.


Reason and Religion

by Steven Martins

February 27, 2016

The question as to whether there is a conflict between reason and religion is misleading when we come to understand the biblical concept of 'reasoning' (understanding) and its subjection to man's religious nature.


The Pursuit of Happiness

by David Robinson

January 24, 2016 | Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

The desire for joy is not ultimately satisfied in this world. Even in Eden joy was found not in the perfect created order, but in fellowship with God.


The Pursuit of Happiness

by David Robinson

January 24, 2016 | Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

The desire for joy is not ultimately satisfied in this world. Even in Eden joy was found not in the perfect created order, but in fellowship with God.


God’s Wisdom for the Human Condition

by Joe Boot

January 17, 2016 | Ecclesiastes 1:12-18

The uncertainty of autonomous man's striving for salvation leads to hopelessness. Only on the basis of a personal God in covenantal relationship with man is there any hope for mankind.


Finding Meaning in a Sin-Cursed World

by Joe Boot

January 10, 2016 | Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

Ecclesiastes provides life wisdom and apologetics guidance for the believer facing the circumstances of the world.


Finding Meaning in a Sin-Cursed World

by Joe Boot

January 10, 2016 | Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

Ecclesiastes provides life wisdom and apologetics guidance for the believer facing the circumstances of the world.


Apologetics and the Church

by Joe Boot and Steven Martins

October 23, 2015

What do we mean when we talk of Christian apologetics? How has the church historically practiced apologetics?


The Uniqueness of Christ and the Christian Worldview

by Joe Boot

April 20, 2015 | John 1:1-18

The Judeo-Christian worldview stands alone among every view of reality; all other worldviews ultimately eliminate distinctions, but the distinction of creator-creature makes Christianity utterly unique and ultimately, our only hope

The Creation of the World

by Joe Boot

January 25, 2015 | Genesis 1

The creation account is foundational to Christian theology. The literal interpretation of Genesis 1 is supported by the rest of the Bible, linguistic analysis, the testimony of historic Christian orthodoxy, and science itself.