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Why Classical Christian Education?

by Joe Boot

May 14, 2018 | Isaiah 28:24-29

The utmost concern of the Christian should be the relating of their faith in Christ Jesus and his infallible word to the world around them beginning in the family. In fact that is what Christian education in essence is.


The Educational Pillar of Culture

by Dennis Doty and Ryan Eras

March 15, 2018 | Proverbs 1:20-33

Dennis Doty, Principal of Westminster Classical Christian Academy, talks about What our view of education says about our culture, and a biblical way to think about education that involves the whole community for the benefit of children and society.


Gospel Education

by David Robinson

May 7, 2017 | Philippians 2:14-16

Education is not about getting knowledge; it is about being formed in the image of Christ. To be formed like Christ we need to be obedient.


Gospel Education

by David Robinson

May 7, 2017 | Philippians 2:14-16

Eucation is not about getting knowledge; it is about being formed in the image of Christ. To be formed like Christ we need to be obedient.


What is the Purpose of Christian Education?

by Joe Boot

October 10, 2016

Christian education is a direct implication of the gospel of Jesus for the development of culture.


Why Parents are Protesting the new Sex-ed Curriculum

by Steven Martins

October 14, 2015

The sex-ed curriculum being forced into Ontario public schools should alarm us, but not overwhelm us. There are several godly options to resist and reject such godless teaching. 


Educating in Light of the Gospel

by Joe Boot

September 29, 2015 | Psalms 2

One of the most significant ways that Christians fulfill the Great Commission mandate, making disciples of all nations, is by educating our children in a God-honouring way.


Sex-Ed Curriculum Forum

by Scott Masson

April 24, 2015 | Luke 15:11-32


The Truth Decay of Public Sex Education

by Scott Masson

April 22, 2015

At the heart of Ontario’s radical new sex-ed curriculum is the false belief in human autonomy and the perverse claim that children raise themselves. We may deny the reality of sin, but without Christ, can never truly free ourselves from the sense of guilt that accompanies it.


The Gospel and Education

by Joe Boot

April 22, 2015

The foundation of true education is the truth that man, though fallen and sinful, is made in the image of God the creator and king. Education is a core implication of the gospel truth that Jesus Christ is Lord over all the earth. 


The Silencing Power of the Gospel

by Joe Boot

April 2, 2015

In the face of growing apostasy and hostility to Jesus Christ, we are reminded that God establishes strength and silences His enemies through children, raised on the truth and power of the gospel.