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Paul’s Defence in Jerusalem

by David Robinson

May 27, 2012 | Acts 22:1-23:11

We must not be hasty or presumptuous when listening for God’s call for our lives.


Paul’s Defence in Jerusalem

by David Robinson

May 27, 2012 | Acts 22:1-23:11

We must not be hasty or presumptuous when listening for God's call for our lives.


Blessed are Those Who Mourn

by Joe Boot

October 10, 2010 | Matthew 5:4

A truly repentant man will not only mourn for his own sin, but also the condition of the world around him.


The Second Discourse: A New Kind of H2O

by Joe Boot

March 29, 2009 | John 4:1-30

The entire life and ministry of Jesus communicates that living water ministered by the Holy Spirit alone can bring satisfaction to human beings. By offering the woman at the well living water, Jesus creates a new desire that only He can fulfill. He reveals a need in the human heart that can be met only in Himself.


The First Discourse: The New Birth

by Joe Boot

March 15, 2009 | John 3:1-15

After Jesus had deeply offended the Pharisees by cleansing the temple, Nicodemus came to him, asking a genuine question: "Rabbi, we know that you are from God…" Although Jesus appears to change the subject, he is actually answering the assumption underlying Nicodemus' concern: the faulty Jewish view that he would be a military Messiah. King Jesus would bring liberation and change to His people by individual regeneration from the power of sin, not by political liberation from Roman rule. Jesus is answering the central question of all true seekers: how is Christ's kingship manifested?


The First Sign: The Beginning of Miracles

by Joe Boot

March 8, 2009 | John 2:1-11

In the book of John, Jesus’ teaching focuses on new creation or new birth. The book contains seven ‘signs’ or miracles which are meant to help us understand what our redemption in Christ means for the new creation. The signs that Jesus performed never compel belief, but rather illustrate spiritual realities for believers: for those granted spiritual sight, the signs or miracles of Jesus serve to confirm and establish their faith.