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The Meaning of Evolution

by Joe Boot

February 7, 2014

Evolution is a worldview which affects how we think about every area: pyschology, human morality, history and literature. Joe Boot discusses how the popular form of this idea arose and how it stands at odds with a biblical understanding of the world.


Christianity and Science

by Joe Boot

May 26, 2012

The third installment of the material originally delivered at Belleville Worldview Conference, May 26, 2012. Joe Boot discusses the foundational beliefs and commitments required for a coherent understanding of science and scientific knowledge.


Health and Salvation

by Carlisle J. Percival and David Robinson and Jennifer Forbes and Joe Boot and Randall Currie

April 1, 2012

Medicine cannot save an unregenerate heart. Christ is the Great Physician, who restores sinners spiritually and bodily. And He is the Lawgiver, providing the foundation for medical ethics.


Science and Christianity

by Carlisle J. Percival and Emil Silvestru and Joe Boot and L.T. Jeyachandran

April 1, 2010

In the wake of the Darwin celebrations of 2009, scientists and Christian apologists examine how we should understand the relationship between science and Christianity in an authentic, credible, and biblical way.


The Descent of Darwin: Evolution in Religious Worldviews

by Joe Boot

April 1, 2010

Examination of the origins of The Origin of Species demonstrates that evolutionary theory is neither original to Darwin, nor primarily the product of scientific observations. Darwin sought reasons to reject the scriptural doctrines of God and creation, and found them in Enlightenment deism. Ultimately, evolution is a thoroughly religious worldview.


Origins and Destiny

by Joe Boot

January 2, 2005

If the events of the past are not directed by a personal God, then history is meaningless.