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Revolutionary Sexuality

by Joe Boot

February 22, 2017 | Genesis 1:27

Human beings are inherently sexual creatures, created male and female, in the image of God. It should not surprise us, then, that revolt against God is expressed in decidedly sexual ways.


The end is Nye: GAFCON UK vs. the Archbishops’ Council

by Joe Boot

December 5, 2016 | Jude 1:3

The kingdom of God is a common culture of Christ that reflects the scriptural understanding of human persons in their earthly existence as image- and office-bearers. When clergy reject the plain teaching of Scripture on human sexuality, they presume upon their position in the kingdom of God.


Spiritually Discerning the Redefinition of Marriage

by Joe Boot

February 19, 2016

When the church chooses to follow the changing tides of culture, rather than hold forth the unchanging Word of truth, it sows the seeds of its own destruction.


Sexuality, Politics, & Culture

by Joe Boot

May 31, 2014

In this lecture, Dr Boot shows how modern political liberalism no longer seeks justification or legitimisation for its vision of justice and morality in anything other than an evolving social contract. As a result sexual morality has been politicized and immorality and vice are rationalized by declaring immorality to be moral, injustice to be the new justice, and sin to be a human right.


Gender Indentification, Public School Funding, Education & AIDS

by Scott Masson

April 8, 2014

EICC fellow Dr. Scott Masson and Justin Trottier, spokesperson for the Canadian Secular Alliance, debate gender identification on birth certificates, the oath to the queen as a requirement of citizenship, the funding of public education, and education as a solution to preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS.


A Biblical View of Marriage and Sexuality

by Joe Boot

April 2, 2014

Sexuality and marriage have been distorted in our contemporary culture. This is a result of false religion which produces self-centred, self-gratifying perversion. But true biblical faith will lead to a proper, fulfilling and other-centred view of sex within marriage which reflects the beauty, sanctity and joy of God.


Plastic People

by Scott Masson

April 2, 2014 | Deuteronomy 6:4-7

The reconstruction of gender and sexual identity today is a sign of what people worship. Worship of anything other than the true living God, turns us into plastic people and destroys life.


The Seventh Commandment: Guarding Marriage

by Joe Boot

February 23, 2014 | Exodus 20:14; Psalm 32; 51

In a fallen world our feelings, instincts, and impulses are not normative for sexuality. God's law is the path to true freedom and joy.


The Seventh Commandment: Guarding Marriage

by Joe Boot

February 23, 2014 | Exodus 20:14; Psalm 32; 51

In a fallen world our feelings, instincts, and impulses are not normative for sexuality. God’s law is the path to true freedom and joy.


Nudity at the Pride Parade

by Joe Boot

February 18, 2014

EICC founder Joe Boot and Justin Trottier, spokesperson for the Canadian Secular Alliance, debate the flouting of public nudity laws at the gay pride parade in Toronto.


Should Gagging the Truth be Tolerated?

by Joe Boot

February 11, 2014

Joe Boot responds to Michael Coren in the ongoing debate about Christianity, homosexuality and free speech.


Children Raised in Same Sex Relationships, Mike Duffy, Children and Social Media

by Joe Boot

October 29, 2013

EICC founder Rev Joe Boot, and Justin Trottier, spokesperson for the Canadian Secular Alliance, debate the credibility of a new study that confirms heterosexual marriage is the best environment for raising children; whether the Mike Duffy comments are further evidence of moral decline; and whether parents should restrict the use of social media for their children. This live debate aired on AM640 in Toronto on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 at 9AM.