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The World that Perished

by Scott Masson

April 26, 2015 | Genesis 7:1-24

God destroyed the wicked and their world, but saved a remnant through the obedience of one man.


Can’t We all Just Get Along?

by Joe Boot

April 20, 2015 | Genesis 11:1-9

There is a humanistic movement towards a superficial religious unity, which amounts to little more than the abolishment of distinctions as part of a greater effort towards man-centered sociopolitical unity.


Noah, Grace and the Future

by Joe Boot

April 19, 2015 | Genesis 6:5-22

If we do not understand the sinful depravity of man, we cannot fully comprehend God's judgment, His justice, or His grace.


Noah, Grace and the Future

by Joe Boot

April 19, 2015 | Genesis 6:5-22

If we do not understand the sinful depravity of man, we cannot fully comprehend God's judgment, His justice, or His grace.


Godly Relationships

by Joe Boot

April 12, 2015 | Genesis 6:1-4

God calls us to nurture godly marriages, relationships, families, and communities that we might glorify God and fulfill His kingdom purposes for our lives.


Godly Relationships

by Joe Boot

April 12, 2015 | Genesis 6:1-4

God calls us to nurture godly marriages, relationships, families, and communities that we might glorify God and fulfill His kingdom purposes for our lives.


The Ten Generations (Adam – Noah)

by David Robinson

March 29, 2015 | Genesis 5

In contrast to Cain's rebellious city, the line of Seth called on the name of the Lord, living before God in a culture of prayer, worship, and obedience.


The Ten Generations (Adam – Noah)

by David Robinson

March 29, 2015 | Genesis 5

In contrast to Cain’s rebellious city, the line of Seth called on the name of the Lord, living before God in a culture of prayer, worship, and obedience.


A Tale of Two Cities

by Joe Boot

March 22, 2015 | Genesis 4:16-26

Cain resists God's judgment of banishment from the covenant people and he creates a rival city of man in rebellion against God's rule and worship.


A Tale of Two Cities

by Joe Boot

March 22, 2015 | Genesis 4:16-26

Cain resists God's judgment of banishment from the covenant people and he creates a rival city of man in rebellion against God's rule and worship.


Murder in the First and the Cainitic Mind

by Joe Boot

March 15, 2015 | Genesis 4:1-15

Like all rebels after him, Cain sought to justify himself by destroying the reminder of his guilt. Cain was also striking at God by killing God's image bearer.


Murder in the First and the Cainitic Mind

by Joe Boot

March 15, 2015 | Genesis 4:1-15

Like all rebels after him, Cain sought to justify himself by destroying the reminder of his guilt. Cain was also striking at God by killing God's image bearer.